Connect with your Memories

Fun With Colors

Many studies suggested the impact of colors on us. Colors have power and associated emotions; your feelings about certain colors are often deeply personal and rooted in your own experience. By using colors in combination with your past memories, we are going to create that strong positive connection and gain the magic energy of colors.

Session Benefits

Beautiful memories’ power:

Connect with the power of your subconscious mind and evoke your beautiful past memories. Allow yourself to appreciate moments that are always with you and you may not be aware of.

Strengthen relationships with your loved ones:

Share your moments and memories with your friends and loved ones and enjoy lighthearted moments of laughter, nostalgia and gratitude.

The Magic of Colors:

Befit from the power of colors during the session, and find out its positive impact on your health and psychology.

Fun with Colors is one of our very special ThruMeya session where we will take you on a timeline journey all the way back to your childhood memories while unleashing your creativity with the colors, imagination, and lots of fun 🙂 The session is also designed to strengthen your relationship with your loved ones where you can have the session together and share your joyful moments.

Connect with your Memories, Empower your Reality with joy

What did our Clients say about this service:

  • Our childhood is where we’ve been made, going back to dig into the beautiful childhood memories made me understand that I can use those to heal the hard ones. It was a blessing to realize the reality of a kid that lives in me and accept it with a sense of responsibility and positivity, the magic happened when coach Sumaya taught me how to grab my joyful moments, emphasise on them to make me happier and stronger. Thank you Sumaya.
    Female User

    A.G, 38 yrs

  • It’s both my pleasure and honor to thank and acknowledge that Coach Sumaya has held a very insightful and positive session with us today. The session gives us a much needed pitstop, which helps us to take a pause and look back into our own lives. She helped us to embrace the moments that we have lived and realize the beauty and happiness that we tend to take for granted. This provided us a chance to get away from all the gadgets that we are always glued to and enjoy some fun moments with colors. This simple fun session was very insightful, engaging and most importantly makes a positive and lasting difference when we walk out of the room.
    Male User

    S.M, 30 yrs

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